Fall is here
Pentax 67
Fall is here
I have a love/hate relationship with high speed film. I’m talking to you Ilford Delta 3200 and Kodak P3200. While I enjoy the grain nailing the right exposure for it has always been an issue for me. Always been 50/50. Well, more like 1 in 3...either too light, too dark or just right. This was one of the just right ones. There are times I feel I am better off pushing HP5 and developing in Rodinal. At least I get better contrast.
Kat. Ilford Delta 3200. Pentax 67
A day at the beach with Alex
Alex FP4
Have couch, will pose.
Don’t let cabin fever get the best of you. Take advantage of anything and everything Mother Nature throws your way. Warm sun on skin does wonders.
This was maybe my second shortest trip on Cedar Island. It was a little cool that morning but the wind made it worse. Iris gutted it out but before we left she wanted her road shot. I obliged.
Avoiding beach walkers
ACROS 100, Pentax 67