She had some great lines. I hope to work with her again.
She had some great lines. I hope to work with her again.
It's not often I get to hang out with another photographer and just go make images just because. When Maddy still lived up here we ventured out a few times.
She with her digital, me with Frank (my RB67). Just two friends enjoying each others company, talking about life and seeing what we could create on that day, if anything. I got a few around the lake we were shooting at but I had fun getting shots of her doing her thing. I need to get off my butt and go visit her, and many others, in Florida.
My studio of choice is Mother Earth. When given a choice I'd rather shoot outdoors.
Erin "Sol Searching"
My motivation for this is that I want to create images I'd want to hang on my wall.
Mikki "Chamelon"
Pascale "Desert Queen"
Watching the women I photograph interact with nature is a treat as well. For some it was their first time being nude outdoors. Many have expressed a feeling of freedom they've never felt before and crave to experience it more.
Elexa "Flip"