I love when Em comes by. Her skin and her shape always photograph well. Plus she's always an eager subject and fun to work with.
Film Photography
Negative Space
As the weather warms up the closer to the beach I get and the many beautiful forms that want to follow me there. The freedom of the openness, warm water, warm sun, warm sand...you get the idea. Then there is the sound of the water. Such a beautiful, soothing, healing sound. Soon, Lord Neptune, soon.
Voyeuristic Tendencies
"Any photographer who says he’s not a voyeur is either stupid or a liar."
-Helmut Newton
The light and the struggle
Some things can't be forced. There are times you have to surrender yourself to the world and "listen" and "see". We all translate light differently. The struggle is how to express it.
Happy Birthday, Elexa
On 3/14 Elexa finished another lap around the sun and she has the glorious legs to show for it. Another year, another birthday shoot. No Cedar Island this year. Mother Nature was being quite crabby so our plan is to go up there on my birthday in July. Plus it will be warmer. Till then...
A certain level of understanding
Not everyone I work with is comfortable in their skin. Some don't see themselves as beautiful, feminine or attractive. There is one attribute I feel that the majority want or are looking for is confidence.
That ability to look in the mirror and say "I got this" or "Screw them, I'm fabulous" but society and our peers have a wicked way of beating some of us into submission. Trying to help someone in that situation is never easy and never a quick fix.
Being told you're different can have bad connotations but that's what makes us unique and life less boring. We are sponges from the day we are born till the day die and we all see beauty differently. We are beautiful to some and not all and that's ok.
In with the tide
Every once in awhile I'll go out and just make some random images with no one in them. I know I know...hell hasn't frozen over.
In the woods with Kat
This was one of my first times shooting with Ilford Pan F 50 and to date this is one of my favorite images produced on the film. The contrast is just so damn sexy.
From a day both of us refer to whenever life is being a bitch. From shooting in the rain to having a corner of the beach to ourselves at sunset. No AK's were needed this day.
The above image I submitted to Stolen Publications out of Australia and it was used for the cover of their first issue.
Fun with grain
It's been awhile since I've played with Ilford Delta 3200 film. I almost forgot how sexy it can be. Having Jen as a subject doesn't hurt either ;-)